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गुरुवार, 5 अक्तूबर 2023

Happy National Taco Day, everybody

Happy National Taco Day, everybody

It’s October 4th, which means today is National Taco Day. We write about tacos a lot in Food + Drink, and for good reason: they’re delicious. Tacos are one of my favorite foods. Something about Champaign-Urbana’s high concentration of taco eateries and taco trucks probably means I’m not the only one who loves tacos in this town. And so, in honor of National Taco Day, here are (not all but) some great tacos in Champaign-Urbana.

Starting with Maize‘s steak taco trio pictured above. The Mexican restaurant uses from-scratch corn tortillas, and their carne asada because the steak always has a good sear. I love Maize’s ribeye tacos and al pastor tacos, too.

If I want fatty carnitas, I’m going to La Bahía Grill in Downtown Champaign. The pork filling has an oily, salty flavor that needs a squeeze of lime to cut it. Some bites have rendered fat among tender strings of pork, and those unctuous bites are so delicious.

Huaraches Moroleon is a gem with wonderful barbacoa tacos. The slow roasted barbacoa tastes super flavorful but is not spicy, just delicious and savory. I’m also a fan of Huaraches’ al pastor, too: marinated pork with grilled pineapple chunks and slivers of onions.

I am in love with the birrikeka at La Mixteca. Corn tortillas get stuffed with juicy birria beef and cheese. Then, they’re put on the griddle until the outside is charred, and the tortilla gets a little crisp. Like a quesadilla meets birria taco meets a chip, it’s incredible. The birrikeka’s cheese oozes and shredded beef is scalding, but it’s no time for patience once it’s served because a bite of that hot taco dunked in sauce is just too delicious to wait any longer. If you want a giant taco, go for La Mixteca’s foot-long taco that Jess accidentally ordered last year after she saw it on their appetizing social media.

For a quick taco, it’s Los Hidalguenses for me. This black truck serves amazing al pastor tacos, and the pre-ordering process is pretty much flawless. While the taco truck does take walk-up orders, it’s best to text taco orders (217-714-0738), and then show up, pay, and get the food, all within a minute. I love eating these tacos goblin-style parked in the Hunter’s Haven lot while I watch fools wait for their orders from my front seat.

Without a doubt, in Savoy I like El Rancho Grande II. The restaurant has eight different kinds of tacos including lengua, pictured in the middle. On the right, the carnitas here are really good, too; the pork is so very salty that it necessitates a margarita — twist my arm, why dontcha?

Clearly, I prefer tacos Mexican-style on soft corn tortillas with cilantro and onions, thank you very much. I’m not that crazy about American-style tacos, but there is an Asian fusion taco that I like in Campustown.

On this hallowed celebration of tortillas filled with meat and onions — if it’s not too blasphemous — the final taco I’m sharing is a Korean taco at Spoon House. This taco has crispy chicken with a light, airy batter, lettuce, tomato, onion, and a drizzle of white sauce, and it’s tasty.

So, did you see your favorite taco in this list? If your fav is missing from this taco roll call, then I want to know: what’s your favorite Champaign-Urbana taco? Send us an email or shout it out in the comments on socials.

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